Thursday, October 14, 2021

Asana Yoga



Asana is a Sanskrit word, which is often translated as a pose of body position or condition. Asana Yoga is associated with physical practice and the body. Another name for asana is "pose" meaning it is called English pose or "posture". Asana is traditionally defined as the position of the sitting body. From the Sanskrit meaning of meditation (seat), the word is usually used to practice any physical Hatha Yoga body position. It is especially intended for sitting as a stable relaxing meditation.

A lot of people are fond of advanced poses because everyone likes asana yoga. But for this, whatever level of exercises can be done, (whether beginner, intermediate or advanced) level, as well as individual postures, can be modified according to all the practice needs and desires. Yoga practice is available in all styles. (E.g. Vanyasa, Ashtanga, Restorative, and Bikram.) In Sanskrit, asana is often used as a name for the state of the body. However, asana yoga is the most popular yoga. This is considered to be the only small part of yoga as a whole.



This is the third of the eight points of Patanjali Yoga, followed by Pranayama, Pratyahara Dharan Dhyana and Samadhi followed by Yamas and Nibanas. In this contemporary world where we cannot take care of our own bodies due to the busyness of work. So at this time, we need yoga to keep our bodies healthy. Asana Yoga This practice helps us to strengthen the relationship between our body, mind, and soul.

It is also practiced to increase strength, flexibility, physical balance, and awareness to bring new ideas. Because we are always preoccupied with worries, anxieties, fears, various tasks, burdens, stress, obstacles, and problems in our daily life. We practice this to remove these problems or negative thoughts from our mind and to make the body agile, to bring positive thinking. Therefore, asana practice is considered very important. Because it helps to keep the body healthy. It is important to take care of the physical, spiritual, and physical body without the need for spiritual development.

 Asanas help the body position to increase flexibility and strength while stimulating the body's bodily systems (e.g., circulatory, immune, digestive, and nervous systems). Regular asana practice helps to develop the mind, discipline, and concentration, and prepares the mind for pranayama and meditation, or stimulates the body with the energy of asanas at a subtle level, helping the chakras and pulse to flow freely throughout the body.

Adding, reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing poses of any kind in modern yoga like Hatha Yoga and Exercise. All these are the definitions of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Asana "a position stable and comfortable Patanjali mentions in detail the ability of one of the eight components of his system to last for a certain period of time.

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